Tuesday, May 10, 2011


"Don't you follow me to the ground."

Photo by Sara Sani

You want more pop? Ok. Here's a beautiful little song I picked up over a month ago at Neon Gold, the NY-based label and blog known for their impeccable taste in pop acts. Keeping up with the trend, this song by Brooklyn's Savoir Adore is nothing short of magical. It's got a melancholic whimsy tied together by subtle, swirling synths and boy-girl vocal harmonies, making it of those odd little songs with sad lyrics but candy-sweet melodies. There's a dichotomy of form versus function here, such that your head is confused about having such a melancholic song stuck in it, but it sounds so good that in the end your heart wins out. Forget the lyrics and let this bright number be your new springtime staple. Savoir Adore's second album is to be released later this year, on Cantora Records. In the meantime, get Sparrow below, pick up their first LP here, and head over to their website to download the equally-as-sweet Loveliest Creature for free.

Sparrow - Savoir Adore

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